We’re keen to empower a community of artists to work with the IKO. Because we do not have funds to offer, residencies need to be self-funded or funded in-kind. This is so that we can be sustainable. We have to be sure to cover
our costs for technical support and administration. The good news is, we have a great track record of helping people get funds.
If you’re based locally to London, you can – after training – access the IKO at your own pace, which may not require funding. There are other options for working with the IKO, and these are negotiable on a case-by-case basis. So get
in touch!
There’s a wider network of IKOs internationally, which provide further opportunities for your practice and the performance of your work. Importantly, the Sound/Image Research Centre has a vibrant programme of events, exhibitions, concerts
and performances which can help get your work heard.
Please read the details below to understand the opportunities and requirements for working with the IKO.

Training: self-directed for minimum spatial sound knowledge + music software (if needed)
Training: in-person IKO training (2 days in Greenwich, London)
Use IKO within 3 months of training
Training: optional online Virtual IKO (vIKO) module (coming soon)
Self-funded residency OR Exchange your time for IKO access

Training & skills
Anyone accessing the IKO needs to have completed in-person training with us. These tend to happen twice a year (details of upcoming training via the link below).
You will then need to use the IKO within 3 months of that training, or will need to undergo the training again. So planning is important.
Because the IKO is precious (existentially and financially!) we reserve the right to require further training.
People aiming at a residency should have intermediate understanding and experience with spatial sound/ multichannel sound/ Ambisonics. There are lots of resources online for these skills to be built (more than ever before in fact).
We use Reaper as our training DAW, so you will need this (evaluation copies are free and have full functionality). Once you’re comfortable with the workflow of software for the IKO, you won’t need Reaper (though many of us love it
and use it). There are other methods for encoding to Ambisonics/ for spatialising sources.

The costs of resourcing anyone to work with the IKO are as follows:
- Training – in-person training per workshop (2 days) per person = £270 (required)
- Training – remote (online) training in the vIKO (which allows people to work offsite with a virtual-IKO) per day per person = £200
- Mentoring – per half day per person = £270
- Tech assistance and setup per half day per person = £140 (required)
- Studio booking = free

Other options
We understand the challenges of accessibility and want to support people from diverse backgrounds to add their voices to the catalogue of works for IKO.
If you would like to discuss options for how you could access the IKO by offering some of your time and expertise to support our events or projects, please contact us on the details at the bottom of the page. Each case is considered

Additional things we offer
We want to help people work with the IKO, so in advance of you securing funding we can offer:
- Feedback on the Arts Council ‘Developing your Creative Practice’ application. This improves chances of success. We’ve had multiple successes from this fund. A good track record!
- Inclusion of your IKO work in our catalogue which can gain you exposure in events, installations, exhibitions, concerts and performances held by us and our partners.
Get in touch about IKO workshops, residencies and more